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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Life's Little Surpises

Life sometimes has a way of surprising you.  Today I had a great surprise.  Two of my friends took me out for an after birthday celebration!  It was the best surprise ever!  We attended an awesome play at the Ensemble Theater in Houston, Faces in the Mirror by Barbara Hudson.  Then we jaunted over to Houston's for a fantastic dinner.

Today was living definition of what "friendship" should look like.  People caring for each other when it is not expected.  All to often most of our friendships are superficial or conditional.  We share expressions, exchange pleasantries and a few memorable moments.

Proverbs 17:17a says, "A friend loves at all times". Even when it hurts, even when you have been wronged and even when you have been rejected.

Let's face it, relationships are tough.  It takes a lot of hard work and diligence to cultivate a truly meaningful relationship.  In other words, you have got to put your heart and soul into it.  You have to put in the time it takes to get to know a person beyond hello and goodbye.

Seasons of life bring about different types of relationships.  In our youth, we have our buddies, our pals, our "friends".   After high school graduation we soon realize many of those friendships will dissipate with time.  Some of those " friends" will be out of touch within a few months and few months into college, they will become a distant memory.

During our journey into adulthood the relationships we forged in college and in what I like to call the "formative years" of adulthood, we become lasting ones.  Most of us remain in touch with our college roommate. (if we had a good one!lol)   We stay in touch with neighbors from our first home. We interact with some colleagues from our jobs.

These bonds we share are from our like experiences.  We have "grown-up" together so to speak.  We've witnessed marriages, births, divorces and  deaths. These experiences have intertwined our lives together.

I am so grateful for reliable friends, but I am most grateful for friends (like the ones today) who love me!  In this age of instant everything and faster than the speed of light communication, it is heartwarming to know that two people in my life will set aside a day of food, fellowship just for me!

Thank you sooo much Reena and Tangye! I am eternally grateful for our friendship. I encourage you to  take the time to love your friends!



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