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Saturday, September 17, 2011

A New Attitutde!

Hello guys and gals!
It has been while since I signed on.  The start of school came with a flurry of activities.  I am taking today to catch my breath.  No appointments, no meetings, no activities.  A total pajama day. Yeah me!

There are so many things to catch up on.  My eldest daughter turned the ripe old age of 23 on September 4th.  Wow, to be young again!  Well I am young at heart.  Started out my students with team-building, games and of course dance!  One of my students commented that it's just something not right about a teacher dancing.  My response, you better dance while you can!!  We had a blast.  Then it was down to work. I am so excited about my culinary classes, preparing them for the ProStart Competition this year.  I have great group of students this year.

Celebrated a lot of birthdays in August in September.  Had a super time with my adopted New Orleans family the Baylis-St. Julian clan, toasting Lyndia's 6-0 at Painting with a Twist.  You know we painted the none other than the Fleur de Lis,  mais qui!

In September I also saw The Help, Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer were superb, not to mention a great cameo by the lady herself, Ms. Cicely Tyson!  I love the book even more, but they did the movie justice.
Spent time with some good friends this month and shared some great moments in new places.  We visited Max's Wine Dive on Washington.  Great atmosphere, excellent food, fantastic night.  Finally went to Jax's on Shepherd.  Listened to some great Zydeco Music and shared laughs with my sister Josephine and friend Pauline and made some new friends. Loved it! Could not believe the older guys still dancing and half-way trying to mack!  Oh boy... Can't wait to have another Louisiana/Port Arthur Ladies night out.

I am striving to move on with the next phase of life. There are  great opportunities right in front of our eyes, sometimes we become so jaded from past experiences, we don't see the good that is right in our face. God is bringing me new acquaintances, and re-connecting me with some old ones.

I told a friend recently, that if we chose not to reclaim those things in our lives we feel we are missing, then we are really not experience life to the fullest. We are simply just existing. With so many catastrophes swirling all around us daily, it is important to hold fast to those things of the heart that matter to us the most. And to realize that some things in life just are worth fighting for. However, chose your battles carefully.

Relationships are tough, but we make choices each and every day. Some good, some not so good.  Some that take our lives in a new direction and some that push us into paths of destruction.  One constant is and should be, our faith.  God is faithful.  He will never leave us or forsake us, we are the ones who turn away from him.  Recently in our women's study we are exploring the lives of women touched by Jesus.  One thing I have come to learn is that we all need Jesus, in whatever phase of life we are in.  The women in Dorothy Valcarcel's book When a Woman Meets Jesus, all face tragedies and triumphs, struggles and is a day-to-day walk that moves us along this journey.

For some of us it is time for restoration and renewal others are in a good place and ready to share our experiences with those who need help.  One of our group members made a great observation, while we should not focus on being perfect, we are all God's perfect women. At the appointed time, he directs our lives, and we are the perfect woman for what He calls us to do.Whatever is His vision for us He gives provision to accomplish.

My hope and prayer is to be ready and  able to answer the call when it comes.

19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 20 Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Philippians 4:19 (NASB)

There comes a time when we all have to learn how to move forward...and realize that some people in our lives are stuck-like-chuck in the past for whatever reason. So much so that a gallon of Crisco won't get them out!  We must learn to be patiently prayerful that our Father knows what is best for us. 
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Galatians 6:8-10